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Showing posts from March, 2019

Why Heritage Preservation Is Vital Than You Ever Thought?

Why do we need to spend time to conserve heritage places? Are they really important given the present modern era we live in? We might debate why is it is significant to preserve it. Folks may argue that the past is gone and the future is where money, time and energy should be invested. However, one should not forget that heritage, be it historical sites, monuments or culture has extensive influences on and in culture and society! Heritage, whether intangible or tangible is our own history. India has hints of civilizations and traditions dating back over 5000 yrs. These heritage places are symbols of our history, which also gives us a sense of pride. Cultural heritage is a mirror of our civilizations. Reasons why we should join hands in Heritage Preservation: Contribute to our economic and cultural well-being-Historically antique buildings contribute to our economic and cultural well-being. When re-purposed for modern-day use, antique constructions are great incubators...