1. Improves Circulatory and Digestive System
2. Stimulates Immunity Power
3. Improves Sleep
4. Wards of Colic Symptoms
5. Promote the Growth of Premature Babies
Infant massage is one of the best ways to gently nurture your newborn babies. Skin to skin contact is the best therapy for all babies, yet it is especially helpful for infants born prematurely. That is why most baby care centers encourage "infant care," where they pamper and groom your little one starting from head to toe. "This type of contact soothes and calms a preterm infant and can help them grow," explained by an expert of Paediatric nursing at Case Western Reserve University, Susan Ludington (Ph.D.) in Cleveland.
When you give your infant a massage, you are also stimulating his or her CNS (central nervous system), said by Tiffany Field, Ph.D. director of Touch Research Institute at the University Of Miami School Of Medicine.
What Exactly Is Infant Massage?
The word infant massage usually refers to the complete procedures of stroking the baby muscles using a range of extraordinary massage techniques. It counts massaging the feet, stomach, legs, chest, hands, arms, back, and face. Infant massage mainly provides relief, relaxation, or stimulation and is a bonding activity between parents and their infant.
What are the 5 Benefits of Infant Massage?
Massage has several other emotional and physical benefits for your baby. Here are the top five benefits of infant massage:
1. Improves Circulatory and Digestive System- As per the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM), infant massage can aid to stimulate the circulatory and digestive systems. This, in turn, help newborn babies with minor health conditions like constipation, cramps, gas, colic, etc and often relieving stomach and discomfort pain in just a few minutes.
2. Stimulates Immunity Power- Because of the fact that massage stimulates blood flow, it is great for improving the baby’s immunity and keeping them healthy. This is mainly useful during the flu season.
3. Improves Sleep- Infant massage is an excellent, soothing therapy that calms your toddler. Massage helps little one sleep more soundly. According to a new study by Tiffany Field, at Touch Research Institutes at the University Of Miami School Of Medicine, babies with sleep onset difficulties showed fewer sleep delays after being massaged for 15 minutes every day for a month.
4. Wards of Colic Symptoms- Research has revealed that massage therapy is significantly more effective in reducing infantile colic symptoms. This is one of the best things that you can do for a baby with colic as some massage techniques can support and massage the abdomen, which is often uncomfortable and hard.
5. Promote the Growth of Premature Babies- Infants who received massage regularly showed 20-21% more weight gain than those who did not receive massage. Studies by a team at the University of Warwick stated that massage may help infants aged under 5-6 months cry less and be less stressed.
Infant Massage is one of the best nurturing gifts you can give to your little one. Special infant massage is designed, to begin with newborn infants, the same basic massage techniques can be used throughout childhood and toddlerhood and beyond.
Is Infant Massage Safe for Babies with Health Issues?
If an infant has any underlying health issues, it is better to talk to your qualified expert before trying any massage. The specialist can help you determine if massage is appropriate.
Overall, infant massage can be a healthy way for your baby to relax and bond.
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