The very pretty and beautiful semi-precious gemstones have been used since time immemorial to heal and promote good health. Their positive energy can alleviate stress, headaches, anxiety and improves mental clarity. It also helps you get a better night sleep. In the modern era, gemstones are mainly used for ornamental purposes. However, you can receive health bonuses from some gemstones. Few folks also use gemstones as part of their spiritual practice to gain peace, restore energy fields and to promote love and safety. In some belief, gemstones are placed in some areas of the body, called “Chakra” to promote healing.
· Amethyst
Amethyst truly is a gemstone by nature. It has the ability to alleviate anxiety or sorrow, help to control headaches and relieve stress and tension. Amethyst is great to use while meditating. A gorgeous purple healing gemstone, the amethyst, is said to bring peace, strength and courage to the wearer. It also helps to promote healing. Since the gemstone has such soothing qualities, it is a great gift for anyone suffering from mood disorders, anxiety and addictions. Wear it to promote physical and spiritual health.
· Citrine
Citrine Gemstone is also known as the sunshine stone carries the energy of the Sun. By bringing in positive energy, feelings of sorrow and sadness are released. It helps with energy, self-confidence, and digestive issues and detoxifies the blood. Citrine gemstone is said to promote emotional well-being and increase positive energy. Some believe it can help with digestive ailments, sleep problems, hearing difficulties and pain and inflammation management.
Rose Quartz
Tossing and turning, and sleepless nights can be controlled with the help of Rose Quartz Stone. It is peaceful, calming and loving and also known to be great for skin conditions and fertility. The pink-hued rose quartz is said to help heal heartaches. Closely associated with love, the rose quartz seems to have a soothing energy that can calm a nervous and disturbed wearer. To get the most benefit from this pink stone, wear the gemstone on a pendant around your neck. It allows the stone to stay close to your heart and help healing emotional wounds, promoting self-love, and keep your heart open to positive relationships.
Tourmaline stone protects one from harmful energies - transmutes negative energies (sha) of all kinds into positive energies (chi). It is considered as a good source of positive energy. Tourmaline increases alertness, awareness and attentiveness. It also improves spirituality and stamina. Tourmaline is associated with the emotion and is best healing stone. It is believed to bring true joy to one's life and relationships. Tourmaline is also considered as a good source of Ying/ Yang energy. The stone is associated with happiness, fortune and abundance. This powerful gemstone stone helps to increase one’s creativity.
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